The Concept!

The plan is to drive around America in an RV visiting as many cool exciting places and experiencing as much of the culture as possible in 6 weeks.
It would be nice to do it without getting lost!...Glenn
It would also be great if we could do it without a backseat driver!...Kate
... and if we could do it without killing each other or our children it would be even better.

Follow our blog to see how we go!!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Viva Las Vegas

So, we finally picked up the RV (more commonly known to us as 'the sled') and headed out East towards Las Vegas. The 6.8 Litre V8 is so economical....mmmm, I sometimes feel like we are driving a prius! and it's as quiet as a mouse  too (a mouse that just pressed the launch button on an Appollo mission!).

The boys were particularly impressed with the lights of Vegas and Glenn was impressed that he could almost drive at night in Vegas traffic merely guided by the whites of Kate's knuckles.....

We wisely chose not to by the cheap blankets earlier in the day, which resulted in a dash in the RV at 0100 in the morning to a Walmart superstore to reverse our hypothermic situation.

Slept in till 1100h and now we are all ready to assault the strip and be amazed!

The trip is going great so far - by great I mean no-one has even come close to extinction and we haven't been arrested!! (Glenn has interesting standards for evaluating a good holiday...)

Check out this pic of the indoor mini venetian palazzo, incredible - the photo was taken in the middle of the night!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear- it's always an adventure with you guys!!! Xx
