The Concept!

The plan is to drive around America in an RV visiting as many cool exciting places and experiencing as much of the culture as possible in 6 weeks.
It would be nice to do it without getting lost!...Glenn
It would also be great if we could do it without a backseat driver!...Kate
... and if we could do it without killing each other or our children it would be even better.

Follow our blog to see how we go!!

Friday 27 April 2012

Ah. No, officer, those six containers of body butter are not plastic explosives....

So as luck would have it, we had to check an eleventh bag at the eleventh hour...I was enjoying a pat down from a stern woman wearing very comfortable shoes, if you know what I mean, so Glenn had to take my leopard print on board suitcase to the desk and convince them to check it 40 mins before our problem. Hmmmm. Luckily he was able to bamboozle the young girl into checking it....and not charging! Karma is cruel and our joy turned to suffering when we arrived at the gate to discover every seat and square inch of floor taken and our flight delayed - the baggage handlers must have gone on strike ;) thankfully we found a seat in the bar!


  1. Well we finally found your blog!!!! Looks like you guys had a great time. Glenn; Tim is disappointed there was no planking but your selection of hats almost makes up for it.
    The bub is now five weeks old and everything is going well.

    Look forward to seeing you guys soon (and maybe that dinner invite.......?)

    Sandra and Tim

  2. I don't know you in person, but my hubby (Andrew Taylor who knows your hubby) put me on to your blog as we are doing something similar in December. I learned alot, but you also made me laugh!
    Girl, you should write books or at least have your own column in a newspaper somewhere! :) I love your writing style!
